The one-sized temperature regulation approach of many HVAC solutions is a disadvantage faced by many Dayton residents. Simply put, they either provide warmth or cool, rather than both. Thankfully, this is not the case with every option as heat pumps are capable of doing both – providing warmth and cool.
At least this is the case with a good number of them, especially contemporary ones. Warmth or cool air is provided through heat extraction or release. For more on how this happens, you can visit:
That being said, the long-term optimal performance of heat pumps depends on some things, with proper installation being high on the list. This is why you should be aware of installation mistakes in the spirit of avoiding them. Read on as some of the common mistakes will be discussed here.
How to Ensure a Flawless Heat Pump Installation in Dayton

A lot is at stake when heat pump installations do not happen as they should. Some of the issues that can arise as a result can affect this HVAC equipment in the areas of durability & longevity, comfort & reliability, and energy efficiency. Given how important it is that these issues do not arise, some mistakes to avoid during the installation phase include:
Wrong Sizing
For starters, some people do not perform any form of sizing. The best they do is take mental notes of the room and use their assumption in deciding on a befitting heat pump.
This is wrong and so you should not indulge in such. Rather, due attention should be paid to properly sizing the room. The objective is to end up with a heat pump that is best suited for the indoor space in question.
Frankly, this is a task that HVAC professionals are in the best position to handle. For example, they are well aware of factors that should be considered for accurate load calculation. Some of the said factors include:
- Insulation Levels
- Square Footage
- Climate Patterns
- Window Efficiency
- Number of Users/Occupants
- Home Orientation
So, make sure to engage their services from the onset. This is rather than just contacting them for the actual placement of the heat pump which is what some people do.
Poor Placement
You have to be deliberate about having your heat pump stationed in the right place. This is very important considering the long list of disadvantages associated with poor placement. Some of the said disadvantages include:
- High Operating Cost
- Reduced Efficiency
- Uneven Heating/Cooling
- Shortened Lifespan
- Frequent Need for Repairs and Maintenance
- Noise Concerns
- Aesthetic Concerns
- Damage to Unit
It is therefore imperative for this HVAC equipment to be properly placed. Some recommendations to this effect include:
- Placement on stable and flat-leveled surface
- Ensuring adequate protection from nature’s elements – especially extreme weather
- Ensuring and maintaining ventilation – Particularly by making sure there is adequate clearance on all sides
- Making maintenance easy by ensuring easy access
You can watch this video for more recommendations on the proper placement of heat pumps.
Little or No Ductwork Inspection
Heat pumps do not work in isolation as they need ductwork to go about their operations. In other words, the state and shape of the existing ductwork affects their performance or otherwise, which is why you also need to pay attention to the ductwork.
For example, around a third of converted air can be lost due to leaky ducts. It is therefore important for the ductwork to be up to the task. To this end, leaks and insulation are high on the list of things to be inspected.
Self Installation or Hiring Unqualified Installers
People are capable of searching for pretty much anything online and that includes information on how to install a heat pump. Does this mean that self-installation is fine? Certainly not and this is for several reasons.
For starters, the authenticity of gathered information can be questionable as the process of putting up content online is quite porous. Secondly, theory is definitely not practice as knowing how to do it does not always translate to being equipped to practically carry it out.
For these reasons, at the very least, you should not self-install your heat pump. Furthermore, only capable hands should be hired for this task and this calls for knowledge of how to select a service provider for this purpose.
Given how having an online presence has significantly become the norm, you can start by checking the service provider’s website. For example, you can check out Dayton heat pump installation by Logan for an idea of what such a website should look like. Other things to consider include:
- Installation Expertise & Experience
- Reviews & Referrals
- Licensing & Certification
- Insurance
- Manufacturer’s Certification
Paying attention to these increases the chances of hiring capable hands for this important task. So, make sure to take them seriously.
Final Note
Manufacturer’s guidelines should also be taken seriously. These are especially important as it has to do with things like electrical specifications, start-up procedures, requirements for minimum clearance, refrigerant line routing & sizing.